Character+ - The Fourth Devlog

Now, what have we got here?

Once again, an awesome environment upgrade! Two big building changes.

Firstly: our boarded up building. Changed from a small one room building to a much bigger two story house. More opportunity for relevant puzzles, and places to hide things.

Secondly: The restaurant. Pretty simple at the moment, this nice little restaurant holds a bunch of dining tables for us to roll about on. You may be afraid of finding hair in your food, but I think you may be more surprised to find sentient coin! I would take my food back.

The building also contains room for a small kitchen area, which will be full of shelves you can parkour up (with coins crammed between cans and other objects) as well as appliances like ovens.

Now, let's look at the piggy's upgrade. We've gone from a pig that was essentially the coin (just in a different body), to a whole new move set. Of course, he can move as usual. But you see that stamina bar?

You'll never guess what he can do with that.... Move more! 

This pig has the ability to slam! Now you can break objects! This opens up the opportunity to find smaller areas where change has been hidden away (or lost for years!), as well as get yourself past previously impenetrable objects.

LittleBigPlanet's puzzles have also been an inspiration for the vibe of the game we want to make. A reminiscent feature of a grab and drag is something we also thought would be vital to adding more puzzles.

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